Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Social Networking

I feel I'm getting behind in my blogging. Social networking is something I have had something to do with in the past, having two children living away from home. I don't actually have facebook or my space but I have their passwords so I can check what they are up to occassionally and look at their photos. If I were to join a network it would be either my space or face book for the simple reason that my kids are on these sites and most of my friends from school and uni have a page on these sites. At this stage I'm not interested in having a site as I find it hard enough to answer emails, faxes and phone calls. This would be just another thing to check each night when you get home and reply to. That sounds lazy does't it? My friends have issues with who to allow to be friends as well. Some only want adults as friends, some are happy with children and adults on their list. It is lucky that you can pick your friends I suppose. The other problem I find with this is the child peer group pressure issue. I have heard of children being persicuted by their friends in posts that everyone can read and you can't remove.
Anyway, moving on, I can see a few postitives in a work environment that may be advantageous. My library is a small library and there are four libraries in our shire. I think this networking between the libraries would be advantageous for sharing information, ideas and upcoming events etc. As a library I could see having a site would be a great advertising tool. Each week or month you could post the new magazines and books that come in and advertise when the new exchange has arrived. I could help school kids with homework and assignments with information available in the library. You could also have themes for younger kids each week and post books available and a play day or some such activity. We work in conjunction with the local playgroup at present.
Hopefully I can get the next two programs through before too long so I can feel I am catching up.

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