Thursday, May 7, 2009

What's a Wiki

I don't know if I would be confident enough to actually change anything in a wiki at this stage but it is something that I may try to do in the future.

Since I'd never heard of a wiki before and didn't quite grasp its use, I had to do a bit more work on this topic than the others. I had a quick look at the comparisons between all the wiki sites and which were the best for each use. Obviously if I was setting up a wiki I would have to go to the wiki sites that are easy to set up and have heaps of user support. There was also talk of the simplist syntax, I have no idea what that means, but put simple in front of it and I'm happy. The wetpaint wiki seemed to one that I may have been able to handle as it seemed to be easy to follow. You could easily see who and when it was updated and a list of members. It had lots of tags that made it easy to follow. It didn't seem too hard to edit a page but I was too chicken to have a go.

The first site I looked at was the book lovers wiki. That seemed a bit out of date but ok I guess. The next was wookieepedia as I had no idea what that might be. I hate starwars so that was a bad choice. What on earth is a spoiler by the way. This site had over 66,000 articles though so there must be plenty of fans out there. The last wiki I went to was Winsconsin Heritage wiki. This is a great way to preserve history. I picked the names I'd heard of and looked at country schools in Winnibago in the town of Oshkosh.

After a bit of searching I finally found Bollon in wikipedia. Our population has certainly dropped since 2006. It didn't have a lot of information but distances to other towns and average temperature and rainfall are handy bits of information. This week I have been helping a local child with a local history assignments and according to local records the town was established before the date in the wikipedia. One day I may work up the courage to change this.

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